Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DNF special abilities needed in the new outsider campaign

New outsider team in the following output, control and auxiliary four kinds of vocational special abilities.

Fact is scorched earth need to get rid of defense capabilities, is multi hit.

Get rid of the concept of the defense generally is to get rid of before near injury invalid effect

From 3 Fig start, it is not just the Fire Resistance MAX, at the same time is an absolute state of defense, HIT reached 50, and began a whirlwind put a jack-o'-lantern, will-o'-the-wisp on behind its output is only valid in the case of continuing reduction of blood.

It is relatively easy, only need to get rid of once defense.

Fig 4, strictly speaking, not get rid of defense, but still useful to combat multi Once the green name into the invincible read state, the need to reduce the number of released after wildfire through the multi-stage interrupted, that is, to reduce effective output interference. If the output is not enough, it invincible can play several rounds.

Fig 5 Michelle hood open invincible, 20 HIT rid defense, though he can continue to open, but the beginning the whole open infrequently, killing the first resurrection, opened the hood into a free CD. . .

BOSS fig Ozma, the scorched earth diagram is characterized by absolute defense monster surprisingly, the BOSS no exception, some people say that this diagram is a new outsider highest output and control requirements. Point into the map BOSS mosquito coils (invincible) 50 HIT rid of defense, and every once in a while after re-point the mosquito coils.

I feel more than to combat in the scorched earth map is a very important ability, and white the additional regarded as an effective number of multi-strike, which is why the original a hanbok apostle title refresh outsider smash hit of the truth, that is the title of additional white damage, Devouring as new outsider reason one of the strongest ring white on the additional part of the credit.

Even why hanbok single drag or brush scorched earth, even if the expense of the left slot in order to protect the MR with a wooden cup, but also with the evil spirits Firestones, they would have found the cause.

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