Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wizard brushing efficiency and choice of monsters difficulty

The choice of MP, Wizard flashing or high-energy Archon, the energetic Archon 10 minutes 5 MP 12 million experience.

Flashes by the select energetic Archon or Archon leads.

Brush 2pp and friends above the lot with flashing Archon. The high energy Archon plus 25% of the damage, if dps in the 200K-400K, it is equivalent to a panel of 50K-100K. For 50K-100K panel, you have to dig a several hundred million Diablo 3 gold, go with flashing Archon, is a waste.

If you blink Archon can roll, that elevated a mp, MF and experience are more appropriate as long as the route choice is almost time, is it efficient?

What is the efficiency?

In my view, the appropriate route is to keep the balance of higher MF and faster clean-up monster speed.

So, I do not recommend the brush full map (including on foot to many or monster uneven distribution map), or order high the MF blind brush high above mp (5mp), or brush for high clean-up monster speed low mp in order not to waste 5buff ( according to their level of equipment, mainly 0mp).

The most suitable for their own mp: clean-up monster speed will not be the mp increased significantly increase mp.

What are the benefits of efficiency?

The experience neither delay (compared a purely 0mp brush experience for not much less), and can ensure a high yield of equipment.

Casually do a video, I usually energetic Imperial Law brush mp5. This figure of 12 million, over 80 when tested, now full level, can not give everyone watching experience.

Friends who are interested can brushing my route test experience (ruby and hellfire demon ring to wear).

My route is: tower layer of the Earth's core - the removal of sin - (this time four buff, then brush the curse of the tower a layer of small station in front of a group of Rare, not yet four buff to the fortress three station door brush set of Rare, this case is less, will increase about 1 minute) - fortress Layer 2 - pit Layer 2 - Killing Fields.

In order to avoid to turn the clock back, I would not order the brush of a group of small scorpions into the dead end. The small scorpion fall general, experience will not delay. The money has always been not picking up, add up picking not much. Only pick up yellow gloves, jewelry, part of the one-handed weapon.

If this brush about 6 times a basic per trip will have a dark gold. Two not broken network reconnection assigned new ip Internet, I do not know the role of whether, but generally one hour at least 5.

I brush cleared once a backpack of half an hour. Brush for an hour, a lot of toys.

I've 2mp brush impression a trip, the experience is of course also about. I try to shorten the route, to increase the number of times based on does not affect the efficiency.

This can not only choose the monster to prevent route too long to prevent blacks broken, and if ip room, so that you can more easily into the good ip housing, if the drop of a room is poor, at least not in it to waste a lot of time.

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