Monday, December 24, 2012

The Archon equipment and enhance Raiders

Ideas, this post will not give you a clear program of the tens of millions equipped, but to give you a bathroom equipped to give you the critical point of a low-end to high-end equipment.

Above this bottleneck with equipment: reduce attribute points can you get hundreds of millions or even hundreds of thousands of equipment suitable for the novice; increase attribute points, expensive properties entries you get hundreds of millions or even billions of equipment suitable for enhancement of the high-end players.

1. Equipment distribution goals:

The most cost-effective, can be efficient.

The following fitted requirements are established on the basis of efficiency. 400K dps, of course, you can brush 6mp, The 5mp efficiency even more, but not as good as.

2. With equipment requirements:

Under the premise of ensuring high survival ability, running speed, maximize panel dps.

Viability of protection:

mp0-1: Blood 30K +, all resistance 3 + (each about 60), the best vampire weapons

mp2-3: Blood 35K +, all resistance 4 + copies, the weapon must be vampire

of mp4: Blood 40K +, all resistance 5 + copies, the weapons must be vampire

mp5: Blood 45K +, all resistance 6 + copies, the weapon must be vampire

Panel the dps requirements (open disposable anti-storm, flash of light, magic weapons, up to the efficiency of the dps general requirements):

mp0-1: 100K

mp2: 150K +

mp3: 250K +

mp4: 300K +

mp5: 400K +

Mobile speed requirements: 24 +

3. Distribution equipment ideas:

Best suited to heap physical parts:

Pants, clothes, shoes, shoulder

Best suited to heap all resistance parts:

Shoulders (evil spirits), rings, pants, clothes, helmets (Twilight)

DPS site most suitable for heap:

Weapons, his deputy, gloves, necklaces, rings, belts, wrist, helmet

4. Specific with the equipment requirements:

Weapons: yellow weapons

Basic requirements: physical weapons (white on a black background behind, no flame, Arcane, electric shock and other injuries), the perforated and white 1000 +, vampire

Plus Requirements: Intellect 100 +, bloodsucking 2.5, +

The deputy: Lianbao ball

Basic requirements: average damage 230 + Intellect 200 +

Points requirements: with physical, elemental damage with two 6

Pants: yellow pants

Intelligence 70 +, physical 240 +, all resistance 60 +

Shoes: Zunimassa's Trail

Intellect 150 + physical 150 +, poison damage 8


Zunimassa's bone marrow: Intellect 140, physical 220 +

Tal Rasha's relentless stalker: of Intellect 140 + physical 200 +

Necklace: three attack yellow necklace

Average damage 35 +, intelligence 100 + critical hit 8 + critical damage 50 +

Shoulder: ward off evil Spaulders

Intellect 190 + physical 80 +

The wrist: Lacuni Stalker

Basic Requirements: Intelligence 80 +, the critical the hit 3 +

Points requirements: attack speed

Gloves: three attack yellow gloves

Intellect 100 + attack speed +, critical hit 8 +, critical damage 30 +

Belt: witch different time

Basic requirements: Intellect 150 + critical damage 40 +

Points requirements: attack speed


Surface cover of Twilight: Intellect 250 + attack speed

Tal Rasha's wise countenance: mental 250 + critical hit 6

Ring 1: Zunimassa's disaster epidemic

The requirements: average damage 50 +

Extra points requirements: physical

Ring 2: attack the yellow ring

Average damage 35 + Intellect 100 + critical hit 4 +, critical damage 30 +

With Equip attributes: Blood 35K +, or all resistance 4 + were panel dps150K +. Line with efficiency mp2 requirements.


1 attribute points based on actual AH Quotes for subtle changes in recommended to choose the most cost-effective equipment purchase.

2. Bottleneck with equipment refers to the distribution equipment in every kind of less than 10 million. The increase in the original request attribute points, or add the following attribute entry price exceeded ten million and rising rapidly. Because little funding, the need to reduce demand, see Section 9.     D3 gold

Attribute points that can lead to a rapid rise in prices, or entries:

Weapons: white text, critical damage

Triple: Elemental Damage 6,6,6

Yellow pants: intelligence

Zunimassa's shoes: all resistance

Tal Rasha's clothes: all resistance

Zunimassa's clothes: Armor

Necklace: attack speed, physical / life percentage

Ward off evil: intellectual, physical / life percentage

Lacuni: critical hit, physical, all resistance, intelligence

Gloves: critical damage, attack speed, physical fitness, all resistance

Witch different: physical, all resistance

Twilight: the critical the hit (increase critical hit entries, less an intellectual terms, less than 200 lead to mental)

Zunimassa's ring: critical hit, attack speed

Yellow ring: critical hit, attack speed, critical damage

Few friends of funds is not recommended to improve the above properties, funding more friends can choose the attributes to enhance.

3 vampire weapons is a response to the reflected damage protection, the vampire is not recommended to give up the pursuit of critical damage (the panel higher the die sooner, and sometimes even a chance to react). If the funds are more weapons enhance consider echoed fury requirements remain unchanged, or blood-sucking double storm weapons upgrade select panel.

4. Pants with yellow pants, because of its cost-effective high energy high. If other parts of the physical and all resistance heap to meet mp requirements (see fitted request), can be used to Inna's temperance (intelligence, it is best to have a physical).

Recommended the black thorns Mail breeches (not strike back against blacks, the effect is not obvious, but they lack all resistance) is not recommended abyss mining pants (physical too little cheap and expensive high physical, MF20 point role not large.

If physical fitness and all resistance is not enough available yellow pants, physical fitness and all resistance enough Inna's pants enhance panel cost performance
High than the abyss).

5. Zunimassa's clothes and Tal Rasha's clothes the select: If all resistance meet mp requirements, Tal Rasha's clothes (Tal Rasha's clothes all resistance is very expensive, and there is no package effect); if all resistance does not meet the mp requirements, use Zunimassa's clothes ( comes with all resistance, and trigger bonus from this set).

6. Necklace choice: less money does not recommend the use Tal Rasha's oath Cheng (same price yellow necklace to enhance greater), the funds more can be considered for Tal Rasha's oath Cheng, the specific circumstances to upgrade than to see prevail in the game.

7. Helmet choice: If you need less than one million prices to recommend select Andariel's face, dps increase, but the defense is weak (non-physical, non-resistance, increased fire damage, so it is best to choose burns low);

If you need a few million, you can choose according to their own anti circumstances: Twilight surface cover with full anti tarascha the wisdom of tolerance may dps increase. Andariel's head is 100K, Twilight 1500K, Tal Rasha's head 2 million.

If hellfire demon ring according to the situation of all resistance and dps, choose to replace the right ring.

9 if necessary with a lower loading can be reduced appropriately attribute points after the search, the search and select the lowest purchase, the total cost would be reduced to 30 million or less.

10. Blacks equipped does not require any critical hit Arcane Power replies. As long as mp choose appropriate route select the appropriate (selection method to link) to see the beginning of this post, a little brush cd, can guarantee full blacks. Increased critical hit Arcane Power Reply will result in the properties of waste and viability, lower panel dps.

11. Recommends distance pursuit pickup. To occupy a property entry, pickup distance itself higher value, if the equipment meets the requirements and take-up, it is best, otherwise do not recommend the pursuit of the pickup and give up the key entry.

Rely on fault-tolerant Health globes Grant rate is relatively low, and as long as the blood all resistance enough, the basic need Health globes Grant (need time came to go to).

Not recommend picking up gold coins, reduce efficiency, high efficiency, and a ten million of equipment (not difficult), can be equivalent to picking up many times the money, I believe that the vast majority of high-end Master source of income is not Jianqian.

12 lower grade friends can be based on key attributes qualified priority equipped with MF.

13 the equipment attributes about the case, Select Armor equipment.

14. Equipped with a mix of skills: the Diamond the footer (Crystal footer or burst diamond pieces), guards stars (flash of light), magic weapon (of vampire weapons or strengthen weapons, according to the bloodsucking whether coverage reflected damage decision, 4mp recommended the vampire weapon), Storm Armor (electro-optic Jixing ensure the running speed of chart);

Left button: energy pulse (in vivo Lightning 0 critical hit Arcane Power Reply brush cd. Less recommended youguang edge, because the brush cd too slow, once blacks accidentally broken or death, will seriously affect the efficiency).

Right: Archon; passive: disposable anti-storm, critical mass, Armor strengthen (Armor duration of 4 minutes, greatly reducing the number of out A. If off a proposed more monster Cancel Imperial law re-add A).

15 playing reflection damage monster skills: sometimes due to their own armor and resistance reasons, encountered reflection damage monster may not be able to do direct wore reflective damage and killed. But as long as the blood resistance standards in a timely manner to respond.

Encounter reflection damage monster, and their own blood in less than half recommended dozen small monster vampire suck in, to continue to fight, if there is no small monster, you can continue to move forward, reflecting damage brought little monster monster place, as long as the blood is less than half, hit creeps vampire (basic can quickly suck in), this play does not affect the efficiency.   Diablo 3 gold

16. Comparison in the game, select equipment: auction house hold shift + left, sent to the chat dialog, one can check a few, and write on the price later. And then start the game, you can click in the game compare to elevate the case.

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