Friday, December 7, 2012

Cluster bombs, echo mine and grenade bursts comprehensive DPS

The protagonist of this post for the cluster bombs, the echo mines as well as grenade bursts.

The main complementary skills death flag - a sworn, to chase bite Arrow - lava arrows, grenades - hand-grenade, we will not consider bats +3 back hate.

Major equipment:

Jordan: contains bursts burst rate +7%, +12% damage spikes trap, hatred the cluster Arrow consumption -5.

Natalya hug: Contains spiked trap damage +14% Grenade Damage +14%.

Dead Legacy: contains bursts burst rate to +8% consumed by cluster Arrow the -5 hatred, and chase bite Arrow damage increased by 14%.

Mara the kaleidoscope and skull buckle quit: Due to the lower cost-effective, short time it is difficult to spread, it is not involved in the calculation.

Analytical purposes: integrated computing cluster bombs, echo mines and grenade bursts per unit time to tie in with the auxiliary skills after DPS equipment to enhance the contrast Zhan Zhuang output DH theoretical maximum output capacity.

First fixed equipped with and some constant computing use cases, to facilitate the subsequent calculation and analysis, of course, in order to simplify the calculation of the role of skills I do not introduce composure sniper and chase too hard, and archery specialization.

1, the role of data:

Attack Speed: 2.0

critical chance: 50%

critical damage: 400%

Dexterity: 2400

Weapons average damage: 1000

Role DPH calculated based on the above data for 1000 * 25 = 25000, DPH reason why a separate proposed in order to facilitate future.

2, the role of the equipment

The hormone bomb: Jordan cluster -5, Natalya embrace grenade +14%, the dead Heritage Cluster -5; skills to select the left-grenade (hand) and the the right cluster bombs, with death mark (sworn) passive threw master.  Diablo 3 gold

Echo mines: Jordan Spiked +14%, the Natalya embrace Spiked +14%, the the Dead legacy of chasing macrophages arrows +14%; skills the select left chasing macrophages (lava), right echo mines, with a death mark (sworn) a passive mechanical adjustment.

Grenade continuous shooting: wireless hatred output with the three towers completed, but that needs to take place, and very precise operation, so to recommend the traditional fast Rebate flow play.

Jordan continuous shooting +7 the Natalya embrace grenade +14%, the Dead legacy bursts burst rate +8; and skills select grenade (hand), right grenade bursts with Marked for Death (sworn) passive can be any combination of.

3, attack:

Hormone bomb: plus become 20 reduced consumption hate (actual 30 hate / hair), the grenade damage bonus 14% 95% * 1.14 = 108.3% weapon damage

Case full of hate throwing: 125/30 = 4 bombs, each bomb looked. Can produce a total of 16 attacks action.

Triggered coefficient of 0.25, can trigger 4 times back repellent effect, total access to 4 * 3 = 12 points hatred, attacks interval total consumption 2 seconds, the role can back hate 2 * 5.3 = 10.6 points surpluses 5:00 hated + recovery 22.6 points hatred not enough to display their hatred in a 30-point bomb throwing.

Order to facilitate the calculation of the difference between the value of the hatred is not much, we also believe that to be able to vote, so here I simply think that the death mark, 125 points hatred, just to complete the bomb 5 consecutive cast.

Back to hate Actions:

We consider the three rounds of the case back to hate grenade trigger factor of 0.5, three rounds in rebate * 0.5 * 3 = 4.5, itself back to hatred. 125 points hate the time-consuming full case 125 / ((4.5 +6) * 2 +5.3) = 4.72 seconds.

The number of attacks to be rounded, in accordance with the data only in accordance with 0.5 seconds each attack rounded up, 5 seconds.

critical chance and critical damage addition coefficient is (4 +1) * 0.5 +0.5 = 3

If we use the 30s as the output is worth sampling time (because of the death labeled duration is 30 seconds).

Echo mines:

Similarly, I calculated echo mines attack.

Marked for Death 0.5 seconds, two seconds, four mine the 9 arrows lava rebate full of gifts 4.5 seconds, repeat ...

Grenade bursts:

The actual firing rate 3.6 * 2 = 7.2 according to the attack rate of 2.0 per hair consumption hate 2.85, hands-consuming 20 points hatred triggered coefficient is 0.111, calculated 125 points hate so after how much time.

X * 7.2 * 2.85 +20 = 125 +7.2 X * 3 * 0.111 +5.3 X

I explain this equation.

Let X be a time-consuming, and left for X seconds consuming hatred.

The the right molecules hatred, the hatred that contains three aspects, the first 125-point primitive hatred, the X seconds bursts recovery hate 7.2X * 3 * 0.111, and the role of its own recovery hate 5.3X

Solutions of the equation, X = 8.2s

8.2s ??backcalculation click 8.2 * 7.2 = 59 times the number of strikes

Continuous shooting enhance critical chance 14% of the actual critical chance dhp the critical chance and critical damage calculation coefficient 0.5 * 1.14 = 57% * 0.57 + 0.43 = 3.28

Calculated according to the above grenade full of hate need 5s 10 attack action, the time damage is out.

Conclusion: bursts bottom, mainly due plus equipment performance is not satisfactory, the damage coefficient improved only 0.26 a comprehensive upgrade ratio 0.28/3 = 9.3%, Echo mines addition to a strong 26% direct dps tops the list.  D3 gold

Hormone bomb followed, but it also requires -10 equipment less cost support. If everyone in a starting line, continuous shooting first, just equipment enhance hormone and spiked traps too obvious.

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